Pregnant teenagers' experiences of communication at antenatal clinics in South Africa
Adolescent reproductive health care, antenatal clinics, communication breakdown, experiences of pregnant teenagers, teenage pregnancyAbstract
Midwives play a vital role in promoting early antenatal bookings and adherence to antenatal care supervision. In the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality, an increasing number of pregnant teenagers do not use antenatal care services. The study aimed to explore and describe the nature and extent of communication in antenatal care clinics and its impact on pregnant teenagers. Audio-taped semi-structured interviews were used to collect data and field notes were taken by the researchers. Data collected were transcribed verbatim and analysed according to Tesch's eight steps. Trustworthiness was maintained throughout the study by applying the four key aspects of Guba's model, namely truth value, applicability, consistency and neutrality. The ethical considerations of confidentiality, anonymity, and protection of the participants from harm were maintained. Results revealed that the pregnant teenagers experienced a communication breakdown with the midwives and did not experience their antenatal care as being helpful. Recommendations were developed for midwives and managers to enhance communication in the antenatal care clinics in order to promote antenatal attendance amongst pregnant teenagers.