Analysis of Dominant Factors Affecting Pre-Hospital Stroke Management in Kupang City




Treatment, Stroke, pre-hospital, Kupang City


The incidence of stroke is increasing every year, and effective management comprises both pre-hospital and hospital care. The key to successful management is for families to recognise the clinical symptoms and promptly seek medical attention. Delayed assistance frequently leads to complications, underscoring the importance of timely intervention to save lives and prevent long-term disabilities. The key to successful management is identifying a stroke and prompt transportation to a medical facility. This study used a quantitative approach with a cross-sectional design, and the total sample was 300 people, while data analysis was performed using the Chi-Square test and logistic regression. The results showed that the family decision-making time in taking a stroke patient to the hospital, individually or collectively, significantly affected the Accuracy of Pre-Hospital Stroke Patient Management with a value of P (Sig) < 0.05. The magnitude of the influence was indicated by the value of EXP (B), also known as ODDS RATIO (OR). Specifically, the Decision-Making Time by the family to take stroke patients to the hospital exhibited an OR of 20.714. This implied that respondents capable of making the right decision to take stroke patients to the hospital were 20.714 times more likely to be accurate in pre-hospital stroke patient management. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the dominant factor influencing pre-hospital stroke attack management is the family decision-making time to take the stroke patient to the hospital. Therefore, the Kupang City government needs to improve ambulance facilities for the public, making it easier to access services, specifically in emergencies.


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How to Cite

Aty, Yoany Maria Vianney Bita, Florentianus Tat, Elisabeth Herwanti, Pius Selasa, and Trifonia Srinurwela. “Analysis of Dominant Factors Affecting Pre-Hospital Stroke Management in Kupang City”. Africa Journal of Nursing and Midwifery, 17 pages.



Received 2023-11-16
Accepted 2024-04-21
Published 2024-05-21