Challenges of Nursing Students during Clinical Practice in Emergency Department: A Case Study




Student Adaptation, Emergency Nursing, Skill Development, Emotional Response, Nursing Education


Background: Transitioning from theoretical studies to practical scenarios, particularly in the Emergency Department (ED), poses significant challenges for nursing students. These challenges include high time pressure, the complexity of cases, and the urgent nature of situations often encountered. The impact can lead to increased stress levels, a higher workload, and a potential lack of confidence in handling situations that require quick and accurate responses. This study investigated the initial adaptation process of these students, known as Ners, emphasising their environmental adjustment, interpersonal skill enhancement, professional development, and emotional coping strategies.

Method: This qualitative study engaged 25 nursing students in ED rotations from November 2023 to March 2024. It utilised detailed interviews, participatory observation, and document analysis, employing thematic analysis to unearth key themes.

Results: Four central themes emerged: acclimatisation to the clinical environment, dynamics of relationships and interactions, skills and competencies enhancement, and coping with emotional and psychological challenges. Initially challenged, students gradually became accustomed to the ED's demands, enhancing their professional and social skills and developing effective stress management strategies.

Conclusion: The findings highlight the necessity for comprehensive preparation and ongoing support and suggest significant implications for improving nursing education and practices within the ED.


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How to Cite

Ramdani, Wawan Febri, Dwi Prihatiningsih, and Widaryati Widaryati. “Challenges of Nursing Students During Clinical Practice in Emergency Department: A Case Study”. Africa Journal of Nursing and Midwifery, 12 pages.



Received 2024-03-20
Accepted 2024-04-19
Published 2024-04-29