
  • Azwihangwisi Mavhandu-Mudzusi University of South Africa Department of Health Studies



Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) are making an impact in institutions of higher education. Studies have revealed that though few students and staff have been recorded to be suffering from HIV/AIDS, more have become ill and some have died in ways that signal the impact of HIV/AIDS. Universities can contribute to addressing the needs and expectations of staff and students living with HIV and AIDS. The purpose of this study was to explore and describe the preparedness of a South African rural-based university in addressing the needs and expectations of staff and students living with HIV and AIDS. A qualitative study design was followed, with one South African rural-based university as the case setting. Qualitative interviews were conducted stemming from the central research question, “How is the university addressing the needs and expectations of staff and students living with HIV and AIDS?†Following an open coding method of data analysis, three themes emerged relating to how the needs and expectations of staff and students living with HIV and AIDS are addressed: persistence stigma and discrimination, limited assurance to confidentiality and, inadequate treatment, care and support. Recommendations were made for improvement of service delivery to address the needs and expectations of staff and students living with HIV and AIDS and further research should be conducted on large scale to determine other needs and expectations of SSLWHA other South African rural-based universities and how they are addressed.


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How to Cite

Mavhandu-Mudzusi, Azwihangwisi. 2014. “THE NEEDS AND EXPECTATIONS OF STAFF AND STUDENTS LIVING WITH HIV AND AIDS IN A SOUTH AFRICA RURAL-BASED UNIVERSITY”. Africa Journal of Nursing and Midwifery 16 (2):30-43.



Received 2014-12-17
Accepted 2015-01-21
Published 2015-01-21