Africanus: Journal of Development Studies <p><strong>Discontinued as of 2021</strong></p> <p>Published by the Department of Development Administration, University of South Africa.<br />Articles on development problems with special reference to the Third World and southern Africa as well as politics and policy concerning intergroup relations.</p> Unisa Press en-US Africanus: Journal of Development Studies 0304-615X Displacement and Livelihoods through the Construction of Small Dams: Legacies of Magunje Dam in Hurungwe District, Mashonaland West Province, Zimbabwe <p>This article examines the experiences of people in rural areas who are displaced by the construction of small dams. Scholarship on dam construction has generally focused on the impact of big dams on communities. Yet, this study argues, small dam construction projects also impact those living on the site and vicinity of small dams. Using Magunje Dam in Hurungwe District of Zimbabwe as a lens, the study traces the experiences of the changed livelihoods of communities that resisted being moved and those who were relocated to other places. By taking this approach, the study establishes the complex impact of the Magunje Dam project on the evicted people and argues that those who are affected by small dam projects sometimes suffer unwanted consequences and their challenges are difficult to remedy because they occupy the fringes of society. Their challenges go unnoticed, especially after receiving paltry compensation. The study shows that displacement and involuntary resettlement destabilise the family fabric. Through the lenses of the Impoverishment Risks and Reconstruction model (IRR), the effects of dam construction on rural people are unpacked. Data was obtained through qualitative research methodologies.</p> Joshua Chakawa Tawanda Valentine Chambwe Copyright (c) 2022 Unisa Press 2022-08-17 2022-08-17 16 pages 16 pages 10.25159/2663-6522/8298 COVID-19 Pandemic Restrictions in an Informal Economy: Reflections from Zimbabwe’s Informal Sector Livelihoods <p>The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed the world in an unprecedented way. Understanding the response of the Zimbabwean government to the COVID-19 pandemic and how it affected the informal sector economy is important. This study fills the research void on how various interventions by the government have impacted the informal sector. It demonstrates that the livelihoods supported by the informal sector have been negatively affected by the lockdown measures as well as curfews. Farm-produce vendors, entrepreneurs, second-hand clothes importers, taxi operators, barbers and hair salons were classified as non-essential services and had to observe lockdown restrictions. The study observes that these groups were significantly disrupted by the government’s response to the outbreak of COVID-19. Using a qualitative approach, the article reflects on the livelihood experiences of those dependent on this sector during this era by assessing measures that have been introduced to contain the epidemic. Using primary evidence from print and electronic media, the article corroborates the narratives shared in public forums with unobtrusive observations to report on the complex nature of fighting the pandemic in Zimbabwe’s informal sector. An in-depth document analysis as well as evidence from print and electronic media adds to the existing literature on the government’s informal sector policy response to pandemics. It gives an evaluation of the strategies implemented and how the people in the informal sector respond to such policy initiatives. This study explores the experiences of people engaged in informal projects in their quest for socio-economic empowerment given the coronavirus challenge and restrictive measures implemented by the government to curtail the spread of the disease.</p> Promise Hlungwani Edwin Yingi Copyright (c) 2022 Unisa Press 2022-08-17 2022-08-17 23 pages 23 pages 10.25159/2663-6522/8398 The Case for Enhancing the Quality of Primary Evaluations through Metaevaluation in Developing Country Contexts <p>This article makes a case for metaevaluation in the context of further evaluative inquiry beyond primary evaluation level and advances the plausible perspective that metaevaluation improves the quality of primary evaluations and the evidence used to support decision-making. It argues that metaevaluation is a form of evaluative enquiry that is aimed at assessing the strengths and weaknesses of primary evaluations. Through so doing, metaevaluation makes a valuable contribution toward enhancing the credibility and reliability of primary evaluations and the evidence provided to decision-makers. Metaevaluation has been utilised in different contexts in some developed countries to assess the quality of evaluations of development interventions, although scanty evidence exists of its use in developing country contexts.</p> Peter Misigalo Wandwasi Copyright (c) 2022 Unisa Press 2022-09-20 2022-09-20 14 pages 14 pages 10.25159/2663-6522/5708