From the Perspective of Bible Translation: An Invitation to Biblical Poetry by Elaine T. James
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Biblical Hebrew, poetic literature, Bible translationAbstract
Elaine James (PhD, Princeton Theological Seminary) is Associate Professor of Old Testament at Princeton Theological Seminary in Princeton, New Jersey. According to the book’s description, the author “studies the ancient literature of the Bible with particular attention to its aesthetic and ecological dimensions.” The stated aim of this series of studies is as follows: “Essentials of Biblical Studies comprises freestanding, relatively brief, accessibly written books that provide orientation to the Bible’s contents, its ancient contexts, its interpretive methods and history, and its themes and figures” (p. xiv). The author further adds: “This book is an invitation to biblical poetry, with students and general readers in mind” (p. 1). While the book does indeed offer a valuable introduction to biblical Hebrew poetry, especially the psalms, it is written more at the level of intermediate Bible students, not general readers. Its table of contents is rather too sparse (and should be expanded to include the major internal chapter divisions): Introduction—An Art of Words, 1 Voices, 2 Lines, 3 Forms, 4 Figures, 5 Contexts, Conclusion—Giving Poetry Life. The notes and references for each chapter are provided at the end of the book, which is not the most convenient for ready access, but the final index of subjects is quite complete and includes all the Scripture texts discussed in the book for which the author provides her own translation into English. The present review has been written from the specific perspective of Bible translation and for advanced translators or trainers who could benefit from this helpful overview of the subject at hand.
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Published 2023-02-17