The Peshitta to Ezekiel, the Context of its Translation, and the Identity of its Translators

General Article




Ezekiel, Peshitta, semantic frames, socio-political context, translators, translation technique


The Peshitta to Ezekiel has recently been described as a translation that closely represents the frames in the Hebrew text with corresponding frames in the natural Syriac language of the time of its translation. Such an approach to translation entailed a novel translation technique, as far as the translations of the Scriptures in the period up to the first three centuries CE were concerned. Such a characteristic feature of the translation, together with other socio-political conditions leads us to reflect on the ongoing question about the identity of the translators as well as the motivations behind their translation. A close literary and historical analysis of these factors showed that the Peshitta to Ezekiel would have been produced for a Christian community, rather than for Jews.


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How to Cite

Mushayabasa, Godwin. 2023. “The Peshitta to Ezekiel, the Context of Its Translation, and the Identity of Its Translators: General Article”. Journal for Semitics 32 (1):11 pages .



Received 2023-01-11
Accepted 2023-04-12
Published 2023-10-31