Intercultural Translation Criticism of the LXX Nomos





Exodus, functional equivalence theory, intercultural translation criticism, LXX translation techniques, Swahili Union Version, Vulgate


Using intercultural translation criticism combined with the functional equivalence translation theory, the present article argues that the LXX nomos (law, instruction, statute) with its derivative nomimos (law, ordinance) serves as a better functional equivalent for the Hebrew counterparts tōrâ/ḥûqqâ/ḥoq (law, ordinance, statute). Moreover, the Latin Vulgate and the Kiswahili Union Version echo a similar functional equivalence in their rendering of tōrâ/ḥûqqâ (Exod 12:43–49) with religio (ritual) / lex (law) or amri (commandment) / sheria (law), respectively. Consequently, the findings of this study invite LXX scholars, literary translation theorists, and practitioners to join hands and share their inputs for an improved understanding of LXX translation techniques and better translation practices.


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How to Cite

Loba Mkole, Jean-Claude. 2023. “Intercultural Translation Criticism of the LXX Nomos: LXXSA”. Journal for Semitics 32 (2):9 pages .



Received 2023-05-25
Accepted 2023-10-23
Published 2023-12-19