
  • Alexander Andrason Stellenbosch University
  • Juan-Pablo Vita CSIC, Instituto de Lenguas y Culturas Del Mediterráneo y Oriente Próximo C/Albasanz, 26-28, Madrid 28037 Spain



The present note discusses the problem of a paradigmatic present-future form in the Amorite language. By employing the continuum model of language evolution and dialectal classification and using the comparative, typological and empirical evidence, the authors conclude that Amorite must have had a systematic category with the meaning of a dynamic present-future. They argue that, out of the two possible candidates – i.e., yaqattal and yaqtulu – it is the former that is the most plausible. This conclusion, in turns, strengthens the hypothesis whereby the reduplicative yaqattal was a Proto-Semitic paradigmatic present-future category.


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How to Cite

Andrason, Alexander, and Juan-Pablo Vita. 2014. “THE PRESENT-FUTURE IN AMORITE”. Journal for Semitics 23 (1):21 –36.



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