
  • Gideon R Kotzé Stellenbosch University



A very interesting case of lion imagery appears in 1 Macc 3:4. In this verse, the poet compares Judas Maccabee to a lion and a roaring cub. These similes merit closer investigation as part of the narrator’s characterisation of Judas as one of the narrative’s main protagonists and as unique examples of lion images in early Jewish literature. This study undertakes such an investigation and concludes that the lion images communicate the fearsomeness of Judas, his power to dominate his enemies and to protect his people. They make a small contribution to the narrator’s portrayal of Judas in 1 Macc 3:1–26 as a mighty warrior whose military feats against his enemies are in service of his people and win him great renown.


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Pierre J. Jordaan

School of Ancient Language and Text Study

North West University

Potchefstroom Campus


(Received 09/02/2015; Accepted 01/04/2015)

Scholars differ among each other about the importance of the Jerusalem temple in 2 Maccabees. Some see the temple as of minor importance while others are of the opinion that the temple takes centre stage in this book. This article concurs with the second view. However, it goes further by also exploring crucial temple dynamics. These temple dynamics are determined by certain pre-set criteria and centre mainly on the relationship between God and the nation. The result is that three different temple episodes can be distinguished. The positive/negative view of each temple episode is determined by this relationship between the nation and God. This opens a new way of exploring 2 Maccabees.

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How to Cite

Kotzé, Gideon R. 2015. “LION IMAGERY IN 1 MACCABEES 3:4”. Journal for Semitics 24 (1):326-51.


