Research Data Repositories from Latin America: Analysis and Proposal of Library Functions to Implement Open Science


  • Juan Miguel Palma National Autonomous University of Mexico
  • Georgina Araceli Torres Vargas National Autonomous University of Mexico



Open science, infrastructure, repositories, research data, scholarly libraries, Latin America


Globally, the open science movement has as its main principle the openness of publicly funded data and research outputs. It is essential that actors in this movement include the development and implementation of legal, technical and technological infrastructure. The premise of this research was that if the purpose of open science is free access to research products, then technological infrastructure is fundamental to crystallise availability, visibility, reproducibility and unrestricted access. The research aimed to identify actions of the open science movement in Latin America and study technological infrastructure for data repositories developed and implemented there. The methodology comprised a bibliographic review and quantitative methods. For the exploratory analysis, the sources for retrieval of information were official Web portals of library entities, the Registry of Research Data Repositories, and the Dataverse Project. The search was based on defined variables, namely actions, data repository, infrastructure, library collaboration, and repositories in the Registry of Research Data Repositories and Dataverse. Findings were studied through a descriptive content analysis based on defined variables. We found that nine Latin American countries carry out open science actions; eight develop research data repositories; eight implement technological infrastructure to develop repositories; seven collaborate with libraries in open science actions; and seven have their repositories recorded in the Registry of Research Data Repositories and Dataverse, resulting in 62 research data repositories in Latin America. We concluded that these libraries are actors and laboratories with methodological and pragmatic elements that contribute to the organisation, reproducibility, transparency, management and open access that support the paradigm shift which the scholarly communication system requires.


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Author Biographies

Juan Miguel Palma, National Autonomous University of Mexico

Professor Palma has a PhD in Library and Information Science from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). He is an Academic Librarian at Humanindex: Academic Information System and a professor in Library and Information Studies (UNAM). His research interests are: scholarly communication; open science; and open access. He has been a national and international speaker at more than 80 academic events, is a member of the Commission of Metadata of Institutional Repository UNAM and has been an evaluator of the Repositories for the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACyT). He is a member of the National System of Researchers of CONACyT in Mexico, serves on the Standing Committee of Serials and Other Continuous Resources Section (SOCRS),  and is a member of the Open Access Working Group (OAGW) to IFLA. He has been involved with WLIC Coaching since 2020, coaching Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning to IFLA. He was a Standing Committee Member of the Latin America and Caribbean Section of IFLA, and is a member of the Mexican Librarians Association (AMBAC).

Georgina Araceli Torres Vargas, National Autonomous University of Mexico

Georgina Torres Vargas holds a doctorate in Information Sciences from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), Spain, where she obtained outstanding cum laude, as well as a bachelor's and master's degree in Librarianship from the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters (UNAM). Her research interests are Resources and digital spaces and information and knowledge technologies. She is a full-time head researcher at the Institute of Research on Library Science and Information (IIBI), National Autonomous University of Mexico, and a Director of IIBI. She belongs to the National System of Researchers of Science and Technology (CONACyT) and is a tutor of postgraduates in Library and Information Studies at UNAM. She has taught courses in Spain, Portugal, and Peru and conducted two research stays: one at the Lusitanian Polytechnic Institute of Porto and another at the UCM


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How to Cite

Palma, Juan Miguel, and Georgina Araceli Torres Vargas. “Research Data Repositories from Latin America: Analysis and Proposal of Library Functions to Implement Open Science”. Mousaion: South African Journal of Information Studies, 24 pages .



Received 2023-10-25
Accepted 2024-06-26
Published 2024-08-21