White Settler-colonialism and Epistemic Violence in “Post-apartheid South Africa”: An Azanian Philosophical Analysis





Conquest, White settler colonialism, Epistemicide, Modernity, Rationality, Afrikan Law, Afrikan Jurisprudence


This article is a critical attempt to problematise the notions of European Modernity and Rationality. It is fundamentally an Afrikan philosophical critique of epistemic violence that comes with European Modernity and Rationality. It argues that European Modernity triumphed in “South Africa” following unjust conquest of the Indigenous people since 1652, which was characterised by loss of sovereignty and epistemicide. This resulted in the violent imposition of the law and jurisprudence of White settlers, which are antithetical to Afrikan law and jurisprudence. This epistemicidal nature of White settler colonialism manifests itself through the legal technicalisation of issues of historical injustice.


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Author Biography

Masilo Lepuru, University of South Africa

Azanian Philosophical Society


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How to Cite

Lepuru, Masilo. 2023. “White Settler-Colonialism and Epistemic Violence in ‘Post-Apartheid South Africa’: An Azanian Philosophical Analysis”. Phronimon 24:17 pages. https://doi.org/10.25159/2413-3086/6165.



Research Articles
Received 2019-04-10
Accepted 2023-04-13
Published 2023-05-16