Why the Racial Politic of Colour-branding should be Discontinued





colour, race, politics, colour politic, colour-branding, racism, Africa


I examine colour-branding of humans, a phenomenon I denounce as leading to a dangerous “politic.” My lead questions shall be: Is it correct to profile or brand different peoples with colours? Do the symbolic meanings of different colours correctly describe the attributes and attitudes of peoples they are used to categorise? I argue that the mainstay colour descriptions of peoples amount to contradictions. The contradiction arises if we take into consideration the symbolic meanings of such colours on the one hand, and the human attributes on the other hand. A positive way of reading the colour-branding of peoples would be to suggest that colours are used to denote racial variety and not racial hierarchy. This suggestion is arguably a strong point, but when we take the semantics of colour and the events of history seriously, we might understand that racial subjugation is the inspiration behind colour-branding. I label the preceding “colour politic” and discuss it as the last frontier of racism.


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Author Biography

Jonathan Okeke Chimakonam, University of Pretoria

Jonathan O. Chimakonam PhDPhilosophy

University of Calabar

Area Editor:African PhilosophyInternet Encyclopedia of Philosophy http://www.iep.utm.edu/eds/http://csp.unical.edu.ng/pages/iep/

Editor: Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religionshttp://www.ajol.info/index.php/ft/index

Editor: Atuolu Omalu: Some Unanswered Questions in Contemporary African Philosophy (Rowman & Littlefield, 2015)

Author: Arguments and Clarifications: A Philosophical Encounter between J. O. Chimakonam and M. I. Edet on the Ibuanyidandaness of Complementary Ontology...with Dr. M. I. Edet (2014)

Author: Njikoka Amaka: Further Discussions on the Philosophy of Integrative Humanism (A Contribution to African and Intercultural Philosophies)... with Prof. G. O. Ozumba (2014)

Editor: Existence and Consolation: Reinventing Ontology, Gnosis and Values in African Philosophy (by Ada Agada) Paragon House (2015)

Convenor: The Calabar School of Philosophy (CSP)http://csp.unical.edu.ng




How to Cite

Chimakonam, Jonathan Okeke. 2019. “Why the Racial Politic of Colour-Branding Should Be Discontinued”. Phronimon 20:24 pages. https://doi.org/10.25159/2413-3086/6600.



Research Articles
Received 2019-07-19
Accepted 2019-11-04
Published 2019-12-17