Environmental Racism in Nigeria’s Niger Delta: An Ethical Appraisal





Environment, Racism, Nigeria, Niger Delta, Ethics


Nigeria’s Niger Delta is plagued by serious environmental problems. These environmental problems include oil spillage, pollution, deforestation, biodiversity destruction, and so forth. Many of the environmental problems in the Niger Delta arise from the anthropogenic activities of multinational oil companies. While these environmental problems, which have caused widespread environmental degradation, are well discussed in light of environmental justice, the reality—that these problems are also precipitated by environmental racist attitudes and practices—is not receiving just attention. This article argues that the environmental problems in the Niger Delta should be seen from the perspective of environmental racism. Through critical hermeneutics and analytic methods, the article shows that what is taking place in the Niger Delta can be called environmental racism. The Niger Delta peoples and cultures have disproportionately suffered from the burden and effects of oil exploration and exploitation activities. Many practices taking place in the Niger Delta, such as gas flaring, use of obsolete oil equipment, and so forth, will not be tolerated in Western countries where the headquarters of multinational oil companies are located. The article finds that unacceptable levels of environmental racism are taking place in the Niger Delta. The article concludes that there is a need to promote environmental justice and mitigate the environmental problems in the Niger Delta.


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How to Cite

Ikeke, Mark Omorovie. “Environmental Racism in Nigeria’s Niger Delta: An Ethical Appraisal”. Phronimon, 19 pages. https://doi.org/10.25159/2413-3086/7271.



Research Articles
Received 2020-01-27
Accepted 2024-02-27
Published 2024-04-04