Factors of Multi-Level Marketing Success Strategies Which Motivate Participants





multi-level marketing, network marketing, distributors, dendrites, direct marketing


Background: Remarkable successes have been registered throughout the world by individuals engaged in multi-level marketing (MLM), also called network marketing, which refers to individuals selling products to the public, often by word of mouth and direct sales.

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the determinants of MLM success strategies in the Zimbabwean economy and to identify factors that influence multi-level marketers in Zimbabwe.

Methodology: A quantitative approach using a survey questionnaire was used to collect data which was then analysed using SPSS. A sample of 146 usable responses drawn from Harare and Masvingo was used in the study. Statistical techniques, which included exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and the correlation matrix, were carried out to deduce the strategies associated with achieving success as a distributor for a MML company.

Findings: The study findings suggest that success in MLM is dependent primarily on the following factors: incentives for motivation; team-building methods; and support strategies. It is from these factors that the study further sought to identify the individual variables or combinations thereof that could be endorsed as predominantly influencing the success of MLM in Zimbabwe.

Value: Empirical evidence is provided on the latent constructs or factors that influence individuals to join MLM companies. As part of the practical contribution, MLM practitioners should focus on the compensation plan, trust, and commitment as key factors in motivating individuals to participate in MLM.


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How to Cite

Makore, Albert, Talak Moyo, and Evelyn Madziba. 2023. “Factors of Multi-Level Marketing Success Strategies Which Motivate Participants”. Southern African Business Review 27:25 pages. https://doi.org/10.25159/1998-8125/12783.



Received 2022-12-12
Accepted 2023-07-17
Published 2023-09-13