A Performance Management System, Employment Relationships and Work Engagement Framework for a public sector in South Africa.





South Africa, public sector, performance management system, employment relationships, work engagement


Purpose: This study sought to establish a performance management system, employment relationships and work engagement framework for the public sector in South Africa.

Methodology: The study used a survey research design and a quantitative approach in which a structured questionnaire was employed to obtain information from respondents. The data were processed using SPSS. Four hundred employees who were permanently employed, who were at job levels 1–12 and had been employed for more than five years from the population of 10 660 employees took part in this study. The study utilised a non-probability, purposive sampling method.

Findings: Empirical findings proved that there is a strong relationship between performance management systems, employment relationships and work engagement.

Research limitations: This study was conducted within the public sector; therefore, the results may not apply to other institutions such as those in the private sector and government-private entities.

Practical implications: This paper provides good insight into the relationship between performance management systems, employment relationships and work engagement and the way they impact each other. The study advocated that public sector managers are required to ensure that passion for employment relationships and work engagement is high and employee performance can be optimal.

Originality/value: There is still a gap left in the literature concerning the relationship between performance management systems, employment relationships and work engagement framework for the public sector in South Africa. Therefore, this study makes a valuable contribution to the body of knowledge already available.


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How to Cite

Maake, Godfrey, Cornelia Harmse, and Cecile Schultz. 2023. “ Employment Relationships and Work Engagement Framework for a Public Sector in South Africa”. Southern African Business Review 27:18 pages. https://doi.org/10.25159/1998-8125/13795.



Received 2023-06-01
Accepted 2023-09-12
Published 2023-09-15