
  • z Mtumane University of Johannesburg



This article examines the significance of ancestors which is illustrated as a cultural component in Mncedi Mbambo’s novel entitled Amakroza (1992). It will be shown how the novel reflects the deceased as deities among amaXhosa, and the belief that they dwell in the spiritual world as spiritual beings. It will also be reflected in the study how the departed are believed to be caring for, punish and are visited and spoken to by the living. The rituals of sending off, bringing back and imbeleko, as they are associated with ancestors, will be part of the discussion. Of further importance in the novel is the idea that both males and females are regarded as valuable ancestors alike, and how the patriarchal society is challenged by having a woman officiating a ritual in the presence of men. The significance of fasting and the shedding of blood, as related to conducting a ritual, will also be alluded to. All these points will be discussed as they are illustrated in the narrative discussed in this study. The research framework will be included briefly after the introductory section of this article. Before the actual discussion of these aspects, the concept of culture will be defined as part of the introductory section. Finally, concluding remarks will be included where the summary, evaluation and recommendations are made.


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How to Cite

Mtumane, z. 2014. “THE SIGNIFICANCE OF ANCESTORS AS A CULTURAL COMPONENT IN M. MBAMBO’S AMAKROZA (1992)”. Southern African Journal for Folklore Studies 24 (1):22-39.


