The Demise of Xitsonga Oratorical Potency: Folktaling As A Case In Point




Folktaling forms a crucial aspect that imperceptibly retains its integrity as an excellent part and asset of Xitsonga Oral Tradition. Emanating from the lips of skilful storytellers to the attentive ears and open hearts of their listeners, these tales foster a sense of identity, communicate values, and provide education and entertainment. They are integral to the social, psychological and spiritual genesis of a traditionally-founded bank of philosophy that incites an aptitude of traditional (oral) and modern-day literary criticism, fosters archetypal morals, and poses as the unforgettable storehouse of the aspired cultural ideals. Deriving from the understandings above, the article laments the disappearing folkloric treasure invested in Xitsonga folktales. It also seeks to investigate how Xitsonga folktales serve as an asset for commanding social reconstruction, brevity, and awareness, as well as decorum building. The article argues that the traditional way of passing folktales’ messages is, and was more appealing compared to the Western formula of presenting cultural values in black and white, which, in some sense, robs them of their originality and forcefulness.

Author Biography

Mkhacani Thomas Chauke, University of Venda

M.E.R Mathivha Centre for African Languages, Arts and Culture & Senior Lecturer



How to Cite

Chauke, Mkhacani Thomas. 2018. “The Demise of Xitsonga Oratorical Potency: Folktaling As A Case In Point”. Southern African Journal for Folklore Studies 28 (2):16 pages.



Received 2018-06-25
Accepted 2018-06-25
Published 2018-12-18