Southern African Public Law 2024-02-29T11:15:37+00:00 John-Mark Iyi Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Hybrid Open Access</strong></p> <p><em>Southern African Public Law</em> (SAPL) is an accredited, blind peer-reviewed journal published bi-annually. It aims to stimulate debate on public law issues and provides a forum for discussion and critical reflection on a wide range of public law issues, from the theory and practice of human rights to constitutional and administrative law, environmental law, regional governance and land reform. It publishes articles in the fields of constitutional and administrative law, human rights, constitutional and statutory interpretation, public international law, legal and constitutional theory, environmental law, local government law and closely related fields. <em>Southern African Public Law</em>aims to provide space for scholars and intellectuals from the <strong>Southern African region</strong> in particular, and <strong>the African continent</strong> in general, to reflect on public law issues.</p> Exploring the Obligations to Complete Insurance Reforms in Lesotho 2023-08-29T19:40:22+00:00 Mtendeweka Mhango <div> <p class="Abstract"> </p> <p class="Abstract"><a name="_Hlk141947718"></a>I<span lang="EN-GB">n 2014, Lesotho reformed the insurance business sector by adopting the Insurance Act 12 of 2014 and repealing the Insurance Act 18 of 1976. These reforms resulted from the government’s recognition that the Insurance Act of 1976 was outdated and not in keeping with modern insurance principles and practices. This state of affairs made it difficult for the government to regulate and supervise insurance companies. However, in 2019, the Revenue Appeals Tribunal (Tribunal) decided an important case that revealed that the executive branch had not fully implemented these reforms through the Central Bank of Lesotho. In the Insurance Act of 2014, the Central Bank of Lesotho is defined as the Commissioner. There are gaps in the Insurance Act of 2014. This article investigates the gap in the insurance legislation identified by the Tribunal and the obligations of the Commissioner to complete the reforms. It argues that the Commissioner is compelled to fill this gap in the law for at least two reasons. First, the Commissioner has national and international legal obligations to define funeral insurance policies and fully implement the insurance reforms. Second, it is submitted that with the advent of the Pension Funds Act 5 of 2019, the need to complete the insurance reforms is even more significant because this will enable pension funds to cost-effectively procure long-term insurance products, such as funeral benefits, for the advantage of their members and their members’ beneficiaries.</span></p> </div> 2024-02-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Indigenous Knowledge and Indigenous Participation Within South Africa’s Marine Spatial Planning Regulatory Framework 2023-10-13T08:41:09+00:00 Denning Metuge <p>In this article the legislative environment within which South African Marine Spatial Planning legislation (MSP) was developed, will be examined. It aims to establish and support the relevance of indigenous knowledge and the role of indigenous knowledge practitioners in the marine spatial planning process from a legal point of view. It reiterates the state’s positive obligation regarding the development of environmental legislation and considers whether the state has met its obligation within the context of MSP legislation, thereby contributing to the correction of injustices of the past. It finds that South Africa’s MSP legislation falls short of the requirement of reasonableness in environmental legislation to the extent that it does not yet incorporate a requirement for the consideration of indigenous knowledge nor the participation of indigenous knowledge practitioners in MSP decision-making processes. This gap in the legislative framework is regrettable as these practitioners primarily belong to indigenous communities that were subject to marginalisation and exclusion in decision-making in the pre-democratic South African era. The author concludes by recommending amendments that may be made with regard to the MSP instruments to ensure that indigenous knowledge is considered and that indigenous knowledge practitioners participate in the MSP decision-making processes for establishing marine area plans.</p> 2024-02-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024