Highlights from the Office of the Chief State Law Adviser (International Law)


  • J.G.S De Wet


Highlights from the office of the chief state law adviser (international law)


The Office of the Chief State Law Adviser (International Law) at the Department of International Relations and Cooperation experienced another busy year during 2013, and by this contribution wishes to share this with the wider international law community. The work undertaken during 2013 again emphasised how international developments affect the contours of international law, and the necessity for Law Advisers to remain informed and updated about these developments, a task made easier by the excellent research resources available. The Arab Spring gained momentum, unfortunately not always with commendable results, as was evidenced by the deteriorating domestic situations in a number of states in North Africa and the Middle East. Opinions were given in both written format and by means of inputs during meetings to analyse the nature of these conflicts and their possible impact on South Africa, and on also on multilateral efforts to address these conflicts.




How to Cite

De Wet, J.G.S. 2013. “Highlights from the Office of the Chief State Law Adviser (International Law)”. South African Yearbook of International Law 38:174-86. https://unisapressjournals.co.za/index.php/SAYIL/article/view/8274.


