
  • Marius Nel Research Unit of the Faculty of Theology, North-West University




John G. Lake, fraud, falsification, Pentecostalism, divine healing, missions


This article assesses the evaluation of John G. Lake, one of the founders of South African Pentecostalism, by some historians regarded as a fraud, con man and false prophet in terms of several elements of his life: his business concerns; his mission to Africa; ministry of Spirit baptism and divine healing; and some accusations made by Lake’s co-workers. The conclusion is reached that there are valid points of criticism against Lake’s ministry and concerns about his integrity, although it is also true that the specific historical evaluation is hampered by presuppositions that preclude any miracles and a seemingly preconceived notion of Lake as a fraud and scam, supported by an unbalanced utilisation and unfair treatment of resources.



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How to Cite

Nel, Marius. 2016. “‘JOHN G. LAKE AS A FRAUD, CON MAN AND FALSE PROPHET’: CRITICAL ASSESSMENT OF A HISTORICAL EVALUAT ION OF LAKE’S MINISTRY”. Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae 42 (1):62-85. https://doi.org/10.25159/2412-4265/1134.



Received 2016-05-27
Accepted 2016-06-21
Published 2016-08-22