Africans on the Vanguard: Historicizing the Origin of Anglicanism in Akamba of Kenya




Anglicanism, Missions Ukambani, Kenya, Church Missionary Society, history


The establishment of Anglicanism in Ukamba during the 19th century was by default as far as Church Missionary Society (CMS) activities were concerned. Despite its 1844 presence in the neighbouring Coastal region, it was not until the close of the century that CMS-affiliated congregations started to emerge in Ukamba. Contrary to Africa Inland Mission’s (AIM) Peter Cameron, who on 12th December 1895 went straight into Ukamba and bypassed the Coast, Church Missionary Society’s Ludwig Krapf repeatedly failed in establishing a Christian Mission Station in Ukamba. Consequently, Kamba converts in the Coastal region returned home as evangelists and established kitoro[1] (defiant) Churches independent of missionary support. Activities by these Kamba evangelists in successive years are undocumented and untold in London Missionary reports. Oral narratives in the custody of family and friends are fast fading away. These include those of Jeremiah Muti, Joshua Muoka, Nathaniel Kamusa, Paul Muyu and James Muthoka. The article relies on oral history and archival materials to reconstruct the story of early Anglicanism in Ukamba. The story of Jeremiah Muti, key among Ukamba early Anglican evangelists, is a critical case in highlighting the untold African agency in the early missionary enterprise. 


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How to Cite

Joshua, Stephen Muoki, and Christopher Mutati. “Africans on the Vanguard: Historicizing the Origin of Anglicanism in Akamba of Kenya”. Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae, 15 pages.



Received 2023-06-09
Accepted 2024-04-11
Published 2024-06-10