The Church of Central Africa Presbyterian 1924-2024: A Centenary Assessment




ecclesiology, mission, Malawi, Presbyterian Reformed, unity


By the early twentieth century African churches were emerging from the work of the three missions with a Reformed identity which were working in Malawi. In a two-stage process of union, the three young churches came together in 1924/26 to form the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian (CCAP). In anticipation of the centenary celebration in 2024, Zomba Theological University hosted a research conference in April 2023, aiming to take account of the 100-year history. The conference recognised the remarkable growth of the church, which now has millions of members in Malawi and neighbouring countries. It has built up its own distinctive tradition of worship, spirituality, and witness. It offers a wide range of social services and is influential at national level in Malawi. The conference also identified points of stress and tension, especially the recurrent question of how to balance unity and diversity in the life of the church. While it has never completely broken apart, there has been a constant struggle to attain meaningful unity. The centenary may be an opportunity for assessment and action. Creating an instrument to give theological attention to issues facing the CCAP may be one way to discover and deepen its identity and unity.


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Author Biographies

Johannes J Knoetze, University of Pretoria

Associate Professor

Practical Theology and MIssion Studies

Faculty of Theology and Religion

University of Pretoria

Kenneth Ross, University of Pretoria

Extra-Ordinary Professor

Practical Theology and Mission Studies

Faculty of Theology and Religion

University of Pretoria


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How to Cite

Knoetze, Johannes J, and Kenneth Ross. 2024. “The Church of Central Africa Presbyterian 1924-2024: A Centenary Assessment”. Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae 50 (2):13 pages.
Received 2023-09-06
Accepted 2024-05-23
Published 2024-06-14