The Evolution and Doctrinal Transformations of New Religious Movements Deriving from Catholicism in Zimbabwe




Confirmation, New Religious Movements, Pentecostalism, Prophecy, Prosperity Gospel, Suffering


This article delves into the emergence and doctrinal evolution of New Religious Movements (NRMs) in Zimbabwe, particularly those with roots in the Catholic tradition, exemplified by Prophetic Healing and Deliverance (PHD) Ministries, Grace Oasis Ministries (GOM), and Emmaus Encounter (EE). These movements, founded by individuals with Catholic backgrounds, illustrate a significant doctrinal shift from traditional Catholic teachings to a distinct emphasis on prosperity, miraculous healings, and personalised prophecy. The study explores how the concept of confirmation, initially a rite of spiritual maturation in Catholicism, is reinterpreted in these NRMs as a divine endorsement for leadership roles. The article critically examines these movements' departure from Catholic doctrines of suffering and prophecy towards a theology centred on immediate prosperity and direct divine communication, highlighting the broader implications for religious identity and practice in the Zimbabwean context.


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How to Cite

Marimbe, Francis. “The Evolution and Doctrinal Transformations of New Religious Movements Deriving from Catholicism in Zimbabwe”. Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae, 32 pages.



Received 2023-11-01
Accepted 2024-03-25
Published 2024-04-16