The Life and Work of the Presbyterian Church of Southern Africa: The Doctrinal Dimension of Baptism




believer’s baptism, infant baptism, inclusive, Presbyterian Church of Southern Africa


A perduring theological and practical problem of the universal church relates to the doctrine of baptism. This article investigates hermeneutical and historical issues in relation to what it means to be a member of Christ’s church and the implications thereof in the specific context of the Presbyterian Church of Southern Africa (PCSA). The debate has arisen in relation to the options of infant and believer’s baptism, or believer’s baptism. Within Christian denominations there are often conflicts regarding exclusive and inclusive policies. While the PCSA followed the main trend of the sixteenth century Reformation churches, there is disagreement among some of its members on various points. The article is based primarily on a literature review of primary sources. It is structured in terms of its origin, history, and external influences, namely: the charismatic renewal; the sacrament of Holy Communion and rebaptism; the covenant and baptism; and the South African context.


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How to Cite

Duncan, Graham. 2024. “The Life and Work of the Presbyterian Church of Southern Africa: The Doctrinal Dimension of Baptism”. Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae 50 (1):16 pages.



Received 2023-12-22
Accepted 2024-04-09
Published 2024-06-11