The Church and Forced Migration/Removal: The Elandskloof Case




Elandskloof, Group Areas Act, Forced Migration


The article focuses on the forced removal of the Elandskloof mission station through the implementation of the Group Areas Act. The study delves into the ramifications of the Group Areas Act through the lens of whiteness. The main argument of the study is that the Group Areas Act permanently disintegrated societies. Primarily, attention is drawn to the fact that forced removals started with the Dutch’s permanent settlement with the Khoi’s removal. Additionally, the Group Areas Act and its consequences are discussed. Furthermore, the consequences of the Group Areas Act on the Elandskloof mission station are discussed.


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How to Cite

Fortein, Eugene Andre. “The Church and Forced Migration/Removal: The Elandskloof Case”. Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae, 13 pages.



Received 2024-01-30
Accepted 2024-04-09
Published 2024-07-23