Faith in Conflict: Examining the Varied Available Chronicles of Churches' Responses to the South African Border War and Their Enduring Legacies




South African Border War, Chaplains, Conscription, SADF, South African Church, Conscientious objection, Denominational perspectives, Military, South African Defence Force


On 26 August 1966, the first skirmish between the South African Defence Force (SADF) and the South West Africa People's Organisation (SWAPO), known as Operation Blue Wildebeest, took place and the hostilities, which had been increasing for some time, were ignited. Thus, the South African Border War, otherwise known as the Namibian War of Independence, which would span the next two decades, began in earnest. This paper examines the conflict from the discipline of Church History in order to illuminate the nuanced development of the relationship between the church in South Africa and the concept of war, as well as the varied responses from different denominations to the conflict as it progressed. As the last conflict, which necessitated an active draft of South African men, the war's immediate effects were felt throughout society and persisted into the future. The churches' responses ranged from staunch support for the government's decision and involvement in the war to vocal opposition, thus reflecting diverse theological perspectives and ethical positions. The article sheds light on how different denominations responded publicly to the war, with the aim to highlight how these discussions were influenced by the circumstances of the time and how they changed in the following years leading up to the close of the war.


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How to Cite

Pienaar, Pascal. 2024. “Faith in Conflict: Examining the Varied Available Chronicles of Churches’ Responses to the South African Border War and Their Enduring Legacies”. Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae 50 (2):21 pages.
Received 2024-02-21
Accepted 2024-07-25
Published 2024-09-16