The Study of Catholic Church History in Zambia’s Past 50 Years




approach, trends, Zambia, Catholic Church, Church history


This article explores the trends that have characterised the study of Zambian Church history with specific reference to the history of the Roman Catholic Church in Zambia to commemorate the 50 years of existence of Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae, a journal dedicated to themes of Church History and the history of Christianity within the African and South African context. Drawing on a qualitative case study research design that utilises document analysis, the article focuses on the scholars and major themes that have dominated the study of the history of the Roman Catholic Church in Zambia. It shows that the study of Roman Catholic Church history has been dominated by male Zambian scholars, with a few notable female scholars. The article further shows that the major themes that have preoccupied the scholarly focus on the history of the Roman Catholic Church range from its growth, Pentecostalism's influence, and Zambia’s declaration as a nation, enduring Catholic church engagement with the state to the church’s contribution to national development. The article argues that the scholars and the themes in Catholic Church history in Zambia point to the growth of church history as a field of study that requires sustained scholarly engagement.


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Author Biography

Nelly Mwale, University of Zambia

Lecturer in the Department of Religious Studies.

Research fellow at the Research Institute for Theology and Religion at the University of South Africa.


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How to Cite

Mwale, Nelly. “The Study of Catholic Church History in Zambia’s Past 50 Years”. Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae, 13 pages.



Received 2024-05-13
Accepted 2024-06-27
Published 2024-08-14