Karl Barth’s Römerbrief: A Turning Point in Protestant Theology





Karl Barth, Der Römerbrief, liberal theology, hermeneutics, historical-critical exegesis


Karl Barth’s theology presents itself as a paradigm shift during the early part of the 20th century. As time went on, the radical nature of his theology manifested in different ways. Not only did it start out as a critique of Protestant liberal theology, but it also transformed the understanding of the church, mission and basic reformed doctrines such as election. This was met by vociferous protest, from liberal as well as more orthodox theologians. Despite all, Pope Pius XII called Barth the greatest theologian since Thomas Aquinas. This contribution reflects on the first of Barth’s major publications, his Römerbrief which first appeared in 1919. The point is made that Barth’s Römerbrief could be regarded as an important turning point in the history of Protestant theology. The context of the Römerbrief is discussed as well as some of Barth’s early theological views present in it, illustrating the radical break between Barth and the liberal theology of the Modern Era.


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Author Biography

Wim A. Dreyer, Department of Church History Faculty of Theology University of Pretoria

Wim Dreyer is Senior Lecturer in Church History, Faculty of Theology at the University of Pretoria. His fields of specialisation is Modern Church History, South African History, Ecclesiology and the theology of Karl Barth.




How to Cite

Dreyer, Wim A. 2017. “Karl Barth’s Römerbrief: A Turning Point in Protestant Theology”. Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae 43 (3):15 pages. https://doi.org/10.25159/2412-4265/3183.



Received 2017-09-06
Accepted 2017-11-24
Published 2018-01-22