Mixed Methods Exploration towards a Proposed Strategic Union Management Framework for 4IR Union Effectiveness





Employment relationship, fourth industrial revolution, information and communications technology, mixed methods, South Africa, union effectiveness


In global contexts, labour unions play a crucial role in enhancing the employment relationship (ER) between employers and employees by negotiating and protecting employee rights and interests. Effective union strategies use the fourth industrial revolution (4IR) to advance employee development; contribute to the business; and grow themselves and economies. This article presents the results of an in-depth mixed methods research exploration of the South African information and communications technology (ICT) union-management strategy towards finding and proposing a strategic management framework for 4IR union effectiveness. There is scarce literature on the relationship between union leadership, effectiveness, limitations, strategies and 4IR integration with people, productivity and planetary advancement. In the ICT sector, which is fundamental to advancing the 4IR and growing the economy, effective labour-management strategies must defend employee interests. This empirical study adopted a three-phased sequential mixed methods research design. Phase 1 included quantitative findings (N = 314), Phase 2 qualitative findings (N = 12), while Phase 3 triangulated the findings from phases 1 and 2. Factor analysis was employed for the quantitative phase and thematic analysis for the qualitative phase. All aspects regarding ethical considerations adhered to research ethics. The Phase 3 findings revealed several common quantitative factors which were correlated with the qualitative themes. To advance in the 4IR workplace, union leaders must comply with International Labour Organisation (ILO) and national legislation; collaborate and network on effective strategies; and develop themselves, employees and societies. Theoretically, the study adds to the body of knowledge in union-management strategy in the 4IR, ICT and South Africa.


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How to Cite

Matebese, H., & Govender, C. M. (2022). Mixed Methods Exploration towards a Proposed Strategic Union Management Framework for 4IR Union Effectiveness. African Journal of Employee Relations, 46, 24 pages. https://doi.org/10.25159/2664-3731/9141



Received 2021-02-23
Accepted 2022-05-12
Published 2022-12-28