Centring a Black Narrative: The Role of a Higher Education Institution in Facilitating a Transforming Habitus


  • Nontsikelelo O. Mapukata University of Cape Town




black narrative, epistemic knowledge, higher education institution, intersecting identities, transforming habitus


Centring a Black narrative in post-apartheid South Africa, in this paper I pursue epistemic knowledge that is grounded on reflexivity, relationism and research, as described by Pierre Bourdieu. Navigating through a transforming habitus, I employ a narrative approach to reflect on lived experiences as I explore intuition development in facilitating a shift from situated habituated practice to a more conscientised evaluation of the self in relation to context. Secondly, I consider the role of intersecting identities in creating opportunities and spaces for the voices of marginalised students of rural origin to be heard. Having disrupted my own habitus in pursuit of scientific capital, I examine the role of a higher education institution for its propensity to be a field of struggle and a field of liberation.


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How to Cite

Mapukata, Nontsikelelo O. 2022. “Centring a Black Narrative: The Role of a Higher Education Institution in Facilitating a Transforming Habitus”. Gender Questions 10 (2):17 pages. https://doi.org/10.25159/2412-8457/11223.



Received 2022-05-01
Accepted 2022-08-17
Published 2022-11-08