Exploring Strategies for Rebranding of Technical and Vocational Education in Developing Countries: A Case of Ghanaian Tutors and Administrators





rebranding, stakeholder, strategy, technical and vocational education, TVET


Despite the persistent request from educational stakeholders to embrace technical and vocational education training (TVET) for sustainable livelihood and development, enrolment in TVET institutions in developing countries is still very low. This study, therefore, seeks to explore factors for the rebranding of TVET in Ghana. This quantitative study proposed five key strategies to be adopted in rebranding TVET in Ghana: government; training providers; parents and guardians; donor and development partners; and employer-related rebranding strategies. The study reveals that governmental strategies perceived to be critical in the rebranding of TVET in Ghana include offering legislative backing to national TVET policy, mainstreaming vocational education into the general education system, and setting up venture capital to support TVET graduates. Trainers should develop business plans to support training activities, networking, and benchmarking with other providers, and establish strong linkages and collaboration with employers and industry. The findings of this study are critical to the development of Ghana and other developing countries as TVET significantly contributes to developing the skill base of any country and increases the employment rate. Rebranding TVET is a step in the right direction towards implementing government policies.


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How to Cite

Kissi, Ernest, Micheal Adesi, Alex Acheampong, and Ivy Maame Abu. “Exploring Strategies for Rebranding of Technical and Vocational Education in Developing Countries: A Case of Ghanaian Tutors and Administrators”. International Journal of Educational Development in Africa, 22 pages. https://doi.org/10.25159/2312-3540/12224.



Received 2022-09-09
Accepted 2024-05-11
Published 2024-06-10