Like an Inflatable Raft on Rapid Tides: Barriers to Community-Gown Projects at an Emerging Rural University in Zimbabwe




education, inequality, poverty, sustainable development, university-gown projects


Community-gown projects are primarily intended to address the multi-faceted challenges in the developing world where vices such as poverty and inequality are exceptionally high. These projects thus present developing communities and the Global South as a whole with a potential pathway to development because their proponents argue that they are aimed at helping stakeholders actively participate in building sustainable communities. It is contended that universities are strategically poised to deliver sustainable development goals through knowledge production, dissemination, and research by promoting active citizenship and fostering responsible actions. This study examines the obstacles to community-gown projects at a newly established institution in Zimbabwe. To achieve this, the study employed a qualitative research approach through which data were collected using interviews with students, lecturers, and deans involved in community development projects at the university. Essential insights included that undertaking community-gown projects were being impeded by financial constraints, infrastructural inadequacies, and issues surrounding community access and accessibility, among other factors. The researcher recommends that universities consider regular auditing of the impacts of their projects in host communities and also have clear-cut policies on funding and the regulation of community-gown projects.


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How to Cite

Mutongoza, Bonginkosi Hardy. “Like an Inflatable Raft on Rapid Tides: Barriers to Community-Gown Projects at an Emerging Rural University in Zimbabwe”. International Journal of Educational Development in Africa, 14 pages.



Received 2023-06-19
Accepted 2024-04-12
Published 2024-05-22