Grade 9 Learners’ Perceptions of the Influence of Peer Relationships on Their Mathematics Performance in Tshwane Municipality Secondary Schools




academic performance, learners, mathematics, peer relationship, perceptions


The study explored the grade 9 learners’ perceptions of the influence of peer relationships on their mathematics performance in Tshwane municipality secondary schools, South Africa. The study engaged a mixed method approach and applied a descriptive survey design. The sample consisted of 400 learners (280 females and 120 males). A self-fashioned questionnaire was used for data collection, as well as a few open ended questions. The learners’ termly result in mathematics was also used to ascertain their level of achievement. Quantitative data were analysed using the Pearson product moment correlation, while qualitative data were analysed in a narrative form. One null hypothesis was tested for the study and it was rejected. The study disclosed that grade 9 learners’ perceptions of peer relationships was not a statistically significant factor influencing their mathematics performance. The study concluded that peer relationships were poorly appraised, hence could not have influenced grade 9 learners’ mathematics performance. The study recommends that teachers and stakeholders in schools should consider the advocacy of positive peer relationships among learners to help foster acceptability among learners. Furthermore, advocacy for cooperative and interactive learning is recommended to enable learners to learn from each other effectively; this will foster peer mentoring.




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How to Cite

Odeyemi, Bamidele Segun Donald, and Rasheed Ajani Idowu. “Grade 9 Learners’ Perceptions of the Influence of Peer Relationships on Their Mathematics Performance in Tshwane Municipality Secondary Schools”. International Journal of Educational Development in Africa, 18 pages .



Received 2024-02-20
Accepted 2024-07-08
Published 2024-09-25