Exploring the Value and Affordances of Psychoanalysis in the Teaching of English Literary Texts in South African Secondary Education





English literature, pedagogical methods, psychoanalysis, psychoanalytic theory


Teachers and learners at South African secondary schools face a variety of challenges, of which some are psychological, emotional, and hidden from the untrained eye. It is, therefore, crucial to search for methods or theories to help learners with emotional and psychological challenges. The study explored and interrogated one overlooked theory that could help in this regard: the psychoanalytic theory. This Freudian theory is believed to offer a different kind of literary criticism which focuses on the subconscious mental activities and unusual behaviours in literary texts to resolve psychological challenges in education and society. The study investigated the nature, affordances, teaching methods, and challenges and solutions associated with the theory. The study also revealed some practical benefits of the theory for English literary education and life in general. Additionally, the study found that the theory is valuable in equipping teachers and learners with psychoanalytic knowledge and skills to critically analyse English literary content. The study also established that psychoanalytic abilities can help identify and resolve psychological challenges in an educational environment and society in general.


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How to Cite

Simango, John. “Exploring the Value and Affordances of Psychoanalysis in the Teaching of English Literary Texts in South African Secondary Education”. International Journal of Educational Development in Africa, 17 pages . https://doi.org/10.25159/2312-3540/16468.



Received 2024-04-07
Accepted 2024-08-09
Published 2024-09-10