About the Journal

Peer Review

Latin American Report uses a double blind peer review system to ensure the anonymity of both the author and the reviewer. Usually articles are sent to two reviewers, if there is a disagreement, a third reviewer may be used. The fnal decision whether to publish any articles remains with the Editor-in-Chief.

Focus and Scope

The journal is dedicated to critical and alternative analysis and sharing of information on developments in Latin America, the Carribean and other regions of the global south. It particularly welcomes inputs and conversations that transcend disciplines and ecologies of knowledge.

Self-archiving Policy

Author's Pre-print:

  author can archive pre-print (ie pre-refereeing)

Author's Post-print:

  author can archive post-print (ie final accepted version post-refereeing)

Publisher's Version/PDF:

  author cannot archive publisher's version/PDF

General Conditions:

  • On Institutional Repositories, social media repositories (Research Gate) and subject repositories 18 months embargo (from date of acceptance).
  • Must link to publisher version
  • Published source must be acknowledged with DOI


This is the Journal of the Unisa Centre for Latin American Studies, hosted at the Institute for Global Dialogue associated with Unisa (IGD) - www.igd.org.za

  • Unisa Centre for Latin American Studies

Journal History

The Latin American Report  provides a platform for dialogue that transcends disciplines and seeks to shift the geography of reason away from Eurocentric negations that mark dominant perspectives on the global south and its agency. It seeks to promote alternative and critical perspectives on Latin America, the Caribbean, and other regions of the South in order to promote a better understanding of the global south, its history, its presence and its future. It accepts research articles, commentary and book reviews subject to double-blind review. It also publishes essential information on topical developments in the developing world. 

The editorial policy of the journal is  to allow an open platform for critical dialogue on the global south.