Aligning G20 Initiative with Africa’s Development Priorities


  • Faith Tigere Tutwa Consulting Group



G20, development, SDGs, Africa


The role of G20 and its impact on African and global policies has always been up for debate. Through the years since the establishment of the G20, policies ranging from climate change, financial flows and sustainable development have increasingly featured on the G20’s agenda. This agenda has expanded over the years to include much broader topics that are increasingly relevant to the global economic community. This has resulted in significant overlaps between the G20’s agenda and the African Union’s Development Agenda for 2063. These have been identified mainly because of the similarities across the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that the G20 has strived to incorporate. However, aligning African interests with the G20 agenda remains a core priority particularly for the African continent which is impacted by G20 policies. In order to reach the envisioned goals, set out in Agenda 2063, African priorities need to be fully aligned with those of the G20. With greater inclusivity and representation of African representatives and priorities, combined with support for the Africa’s development agenda, more can be achieved that will have a meaningful impact on reaching the goals of the African Union’s Development Agenda for 2063.


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Author Biography

Faith Tigere, Tutwa Consulting Group

Faith undertakes economic analysis, research and advisory work on international trade, trade and competition law, and trade policy. She has conducted independent research for consultants and academics on international trade law, competition law and international investment law.




How to Cite

Tigere, Faith. 2018. “Aligning G20 Initiative With Africa’s Development Priorities”. Latin American Report 34:20 pages.



Received 2018-08-23
Accepted 2018-11-07
Published 2019-01-25