Historical Development and the Funding of Libraries for the Public: England


  • Athol Leach University of KwaZulu-Natal
  • Christine Stilwell University of KwaZulu-Natal




development of library services to the public, public library history, public library funding, England


Funding levels for public libraries have, in general, never been consistently adequate, and this has necessitated that they commonly pursue forms of funding over and above the income received via taxation. To appreciate how this situation developed, it is necessary to understand how library services to the public before the emergence of the rate or tax-supported public library developed. In this, the first of a series of historically-based articles, the development of library services to the public in England is examined. The types of libraries outlined and discussed include endowed and subscription libraries, and the role of the mechanics’ institutes is scrutinised. Throughout the discussion, and where appropriate, financial or funding issues are identified. The point is made that such issues have been part of library services to the public (whether tax-supported or not) since their inception. In addition, the at times vital role played by private funding in the establishment and support of such services will be highlighted. The focus on England is based on the profound influence that it, together with the United States, has had on public library development across the world, particularly in Asia and Africa, the latter including South Africa.


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How to Cite

Leach, Athol, and Christine Stilwell. 2022. “Historical Development and the Funding of Libraries for the Public: England”. Mousaion: South African Journal of Information Studies 40 (4):16 pages . https://doi.org/10.25159/2663-659X/11099.



Received 2022-04-11
Accepted 2022-11-12
Published 2023-05-08