Cyberethical behaviour of high school students in selected schools in uMhlathuze Municipality




Cyberethical behaviour, high schools, Cybertechnologies, cyberethics, uMhlathuze Municipality, grade 11 students


Cybertechnology has become a basic aspect of schools and universities with students’ habitual use of these tools to communicate, learn, and play. However, schools and universities have faced numerous issues as a result of cyberethics activities in various settings. The study aimed to examine the cyberethical behaviour of high school students in selected schools in uMhlathuze Municipality. The objectives of this study were to explore the level of awareness about cyber ethical behaviour among the participants; identify the forms of cyberethics behaviour shown by the participants; demonstrate the application of the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) to the participants’ cyberethical behaviour intentions; and ascertain the challenges that high school students face to act ethically when using the Internet and cybertechnologies. The study adopted a quantitative approach and a survey research design. Probability sampling was used to enrol grade 11 students from three conveniently selected high schools in the uMhlathuze municipality of KwaZulu-Natal. Data were collected by means of 214 questionnaires that were distributed to the participants. The study discovered a substantial number of challenges related to effective cyber ethical behaviour. The findings indicated a need for awareness of cyber ethical technology and how to mitigate its misuses. In addition, the study contributes to existing literature on the application of the TPB.


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How to Cite

Buthelezi, Noxolo, Dennis Ngong Ocholla, and Lungile P. Luthuli. “Cyberethical Behaviour of High School Students in Selected Schools in UMhlathuze Municipality”. Mousaion: South African Journal of Information Studies, 18 pages .



Received 2023-02-27
Accepted 2024-06-03
Published 2024-07-16