
  • Albert Arko-Cobbah Central University of Technology
  • Basie Olivier



South African Constitution, Access to information South Africa, Socio-economic rights, Justiciability of Socio-economic rights South Africa, Meaningful engagement, Transparency, Accountability, Citizen participation, Good governance South Africa.


The inclusion of access to information in the constitution of South Africa and its concomitant legislation, Promotion of Access to Information Act (PAIA) is aimed at promoting transparency, accountability and democratic governance in the hitherto closed, authoritarian and apartheid society. The Constitution goes further to entrench socio-economic rights (SERs) in order to address the injustices of the past of ignorance, fear, and want that impair the dignity of the majority of South Africans. Access to information (ATI) is described as the ‘touchstone’ of all human rights and upon which the other human rights, including SERs are buttressed. SERs are, supposedly, enforced by the courts of law. However, their justiciability has become acrimonious and adversarial because it may include the courts making orders that may have budgetary implications, which usually fall under the purview of the executive-cum-legislation, thus undermining the separation of powers doctrine. The study  suggests the concept of meaningful engagement to break the impasse, arguing that the concept is more ‘user-friendly’ and grounded in the Constitution and other statutory instrument and practices in the governance of South Africa. 


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Author Biography

Albert Arko-Cobbah, Central University of Technology

Campus Librarian; Doctorate Candidate


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How to Cite

Arko-Cobbah, Albert, and Basie Olivier. 2016. “SOUTH AFRICA’S ACCESS TO INFORMATION LEGISLATION AND SOCIO-ECONOMIC RIGHTS: CIVIL SOCIETY AND MEANINGFUL ENGAGEMENT AS DRIVERS”. Mousaion: South African Journal of Information Studies 34 (1):149-72.



Received 2016-02-05
Accepted 2016-04-15
Published 2016-07-16