Interventions at the Local Spheres of Government in South Africa: An Assessment of Monitoring and Evaluation




Challenges, Local Government, South Africa, monitoring and evaluation (M&E), governance


The post-1994 landscape in South Africa presented millions of individuals—especially the majority Black population who had been subjected to many apartheid policies—with renewed hope for better and improved development opportunities. This stemmed from the fact that the first democratically elected administration of the African National Congress (ANC) promised immense socioeconomic change when they assumed office. These promises became evident from the many socioeconomic policies and Chapter 9 institutions that came to the fore over the last two decades, as well as the mapping of new legislation and policies for local government as enshrined in the Constitution of 1996. These actions were viewed to further the envisioned development trajectories of government, especially as the local government is the government closest to the people. However, post-1994, some municipalities in South Africa have endured massive challenges that have needed numerous involvements from the government through various interventions. This has been a continuous phenomenon, irrespective of the many policies at play to oversee the smooth operation of municipalities. This article delves into the failure of some municipalities in South Africa and interventions of local government in post-apartheid South Africa by scrutinising what drives this phenomenon. Furthermore, it dwells on the impact and challenges of effective monitoring and evaluation (M&E) policies at the local government level.


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How to Cite

Mlambo, Daniel, and Mashupye H. Maserumule. 2024. “Interventions at the Local Spheres of Government in South Africa: An Assessment of Monitoring and Evaluation”. Politeia 43 (1):15 pages .



Received 2023-11-02
Accepted 2024-04-15
Published 2024-05-07