A Critical Analysis of Zimbabwe’s Non-implementation of Constitutional Injunctions on Devolution





Constitution, devolution, constitutionalism, democracy, rule of law, constitutional supremacy, Zimbabwe


Zimbabwe’s 2013 Constitution provides for a multi-level system of government whereby the government is constituted at national, provincial and local levels. Despite the new Constitution being relatively comprehensive about the devolution of powers to the subnational levels of government, the country is still trapped within the post-independence highly centralised unitary state design. Although the new Constitution was adopted in 2013, devolution has not yet been fully implemented in Zimbabwe. This non-implementation of the constitutional injunctions on devolution, almost a decade after the promulgation of the Constitution, brings into question the country’s commitment to the devolution of powers and constitutionalism. This article critiques this state of affairs, and identifies the politico-legal factors responsible for the country’s non-implementation of the constitutional injunctions on the devolution of powers to subnational levels of government. This article’s central thesis is that the full devolution of powers is one of the significant levers of constitutional transformation in Zimbabwe.


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How to Cite

Mudau, Paul, and Hoolo ‘Nyane. 2022. “A Critical Analysis of Zimbabwe’s Non-Implementation of Constitutional Injunctions on Devolution”. Southern African Public Law 37 (2):26 pages. https://doi.org/10.25159/2522-6800/9584.



Received 2021-06-07
Accepted 2021-10-14
Published 2022-05-05