Teacher Intervention Strategies on Reducing Youth Violent Behaviour in One Historically Disadvantaged School: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach





learner-to-learner, school violence, strategies, teachers, youth behaviour violence


Youth violence, particularly learner-to-learner violence in South African schools, has significantly impacted on teachers, leading to increased stress and burnout. Consequently, there is a pressing need to devise strategies to address school violence. This study aimed to examine teachers’ perspectives on a multi-disciplinary approach intervention strategy aimed at reducing youth violent behaviour, particularly in a chosen high school in the Vhembe District Municipality, Limpopo province, South Africa. The sample consisted of nine teachers and one school principal who participated in this study. Unstructured interviews were used to gather the data, and thematic analysis was employed to analyse the data. The key finding reveals the importance of a multi-disciplinary approach in fostering safer learning environments in a historically disadvantaged school. The study recommends collaboration between the Department of Basic Education and the National Youth Development Agency to develop a social and emotional learning programme. This social and emotional learning programme will help to equip learners to manage emotions effectively, particularly in conflict situations, thus mitigating the inclination towards physical violence.


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How to Cite

Chauke, Thulani Andrew. 2024. “Teacher Intervention Strategies on Reducing Youth Violent Behaviour in One Historically Disadvantaged School: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach”. Southern African Journal of Social Work and Social Development 36 (2):22 pages. https://doi.org/10.25159/2708-9355/14037.



Received 2023-07-04
Accepted 2024-04-12
Published 2024-06-26