From Imperialism to Radical Hospitality: Propositions for Reconfiguring Social Work towards a Justice-To-Come




hospitality, hostility, propositions, reconfiguring, social work, postcolonial, diifraction, injustices, montage methodology


The focus of the article is on injustices towards South African families in postcolonial and neocolonial contexts, our understanding of which has been greatly enlarged by Nancy Fraser’s conceptualisations of expropriation and imperialism and Jacques Derrida’s notions of hostility and hospitality. We used Walter Benjamin’s and Karen Barad’s montage methods of fragmentary writing to diffractively read expropriation, imperialism, hostility and hospitality through one another in the context of injustices done to South African families. A diffractive methodology entails a close and attentive reading of concepts or pieces of text through one another, to arrive at new insights with regard to a particular issue. The new insights we arrive at in the article are five propositions for ethically engaging in a justice-to-come for social work – that of attentiveness, rendering each other capable, responsibility, response-ability and radical hospitality.


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Author Biography

Dorothee Hölscher, Griffiths University

Dr Dorothee Hölscher | Lecturer | School of Human Services and Social Work | Griffith University | Building LO5, Room 4.58, Logan Campus, University Drive, Meadowbrook QLD 4131AU | Tel: +61 (07) 338 21334


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How to Cite

Bozalek, Vivienne, and Dorothee Hölscher. 2022. “From Imperialism to Radical Hospitality: Propositions for Reconfiguring Social Work towards a Justice-To-Come”. Southern African Journal of Social Work and Social Development 34 (1):17 pages.
Received 2021-01-07
Accepted 2022-02-15
Published 2022-04-07