Awareness and Usage of Educational Video Streaming Databases by Lecturers at the University of the Free State, South Africa




lecturers, University of the Free State, survey, educational video streaming databases, academic libraries


Educational video streaming is a new technology in today’s teaching and learning environment. However, few scholarly publications exist on the awareness and use of educational streaming video databases in South African universities. The aim of the article was to investigate the awareness and usage of educational streaming video databases by lecturers at the University of the Free State. The article adopted a positivist paradigm, a quantitative approach, and a descriptive survey design using the technology acceptance model as a theoretical framework. Data were collected from a probability sample of 80 participants, with 49 responses and a response rate of 61.25%. An electronic questionnaire was used to collect data using closed-ended questions. The findings revealed a general lack of awareness and usage of educational video streaming databases. The article assists management, lecturers, acquisition librarians, and students to explore new ways of using educational streaming video databases.


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How to Cite

Shokane, Mashia, and Mahlaga Molepo. 2024. “Awareness and Usage of Educational Video Streaming Databases by Lecturers at the University of the Free State, South Africa”. Mousaion: South African Journal of Information Studies 42 (2):21 pages .



Received 2022-12-01
Accepted 2024-07-23
Published 2024-08-14