Constitutional Rights of Women in Ghana: An Expansion of the Legal Framework




discrimination, strategic litigation, legal framework, women’s rights, politics and governance, parliamentary Act, constitutional reform, affirmative action


The research paper elucidates the expansion of the legal framework of women’s rights in Ghana to address all forms of discrimination against them. The article considers a three-fold reform process, including a constitutional reform to influence the enactment of an extensive parliamentary Act either domesticating the Maputo Protocol or incorporating its principles. The article acknowledges the existence of some legislation on specific forms of discrimination against women and advocates that these may support the proposed comprehensive Parliamentary Act. The third reform process considers strategic litigation as a means of implementation and compliance.


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How to Cite

Fiattor, Ethel. “Constitutional Rights of Women in Ghana: An Expansion of the Legal Framework”. Southern African Public Law, 28 pages.



Received 2024-02-25
Accepted 2024-04-29
Published 2024-10-14