Untangling Nemesis and Echo from John Banville’s Narcissistic Shroud



In this article, I attempt to untangle the conflated representations of the two dead women who haunt Axel Vander, the narrator of large portions of John Banville’s 2002 novel, Shroud. The narrating protagonist has an inflated sense of his own centrality and a callous disregard for others. Cass Cleave and Magda are reduced to roles which bear striking resemblances to those of Nemesis and Echo in Ovid’s rendition of the myth of Narcissus. The article first explores Vander’s relationship with Cass, who is twice referred to as “Nemesis” in the text. It traces how Vander’s attempt to forge a coherent version of himself comes at Cass’s expense. While she is initially poised to bring justice, as Nemesis does, to the Narcissus-like figure by revealing who he actually is, their interaction costs her her life. The article then moves on to look at Magda, Vander’s dead (and likely murdered) wife, who throughout her life played the only role permitted by her grandiose husband: that of a hapless Echo. The article concludes by an examination of Vander’s belated regret, and doomed gesture of recompense.



 In hierdie artikel poog ek om die ineengestrengelde voorstellings van die twee dooie vroue wat by Axel Vander spook, te ontrafel. Vender is die verteller van groot gedeeltes van John Banville se roman Shroud, wat in 2002 gepubliseer is. Die protagonis-verteller word gekenmerk deur sy oordrewe oortuiging dat die wêreld om hom wentel en sy gewetenlose verontagsaming van ander mense. Cass Cleave en Magda word gereduseer tot rolle wat opvallende ooreenkomste toon met dié van Nemesis en Echo in Ovid se weergawe van die Narcissus-mite. Die artikel stel eerstens ondersoek in na Vander se verhouding met Cass, wat by twee geleenthede in die teks “Nemesis” genoem word. Daar word gekyk hoe Vander se poging om 'n geloofwaardige weergawe van homself te skep tot Cass se nadeel strek. Sy is aanvanklik oorgehaal om, soos Nemesis, geregtigheid vir die Narcissus-agtige figuur te bewerkstellig deur sy ware self te ontbloot, maar hulle wisselwerking kos haar haar lewe. Vervolgens kyk die artikel na Magda, Vander se oorlede (waarskynlik vermoorde) vrou. Regdeur haar lewe het sy slegs die enkele rol vervul wat deur haar grandiose man toegelaat is, naamlik dié van die ongelukkige Echo. Ter afsluiting stel die artikel ondersoek in na Vander se spyt wat te laat kom en sy gedoemde vergoedingsgebaar.


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Author Biography

Karen Anne McCarthy, Rhodes University

Karen McCarthy is currently completing a PhD in English Literature at Rhodes University, and she lectures at the Institute for the Study of English in Africa. Her research interests include representations of narcissism in literature, as well as alterity, friendship, enemies and death.




How to Cite

McCarthy, Karen Anne. 2017. “Untangling Nemesis and Echo from John Banville’s Narcissistic Shroud”. Journal of Literary Studies 33 (1):108-20. https://unisapressjournals.co.za/index.php/jls/article/view/11765.