Tracks in the Snow: Irony and Betrayal in Camus’s “The Guest”


  • Michael W. Shurgot Community Foundation of South Puget Sound image/svg+xml


The carefully placed references to the sudden snow and its persistence in Camus’s “The Guest” indicate its importance in the story’s ironic conclusion. The tracks made by Balducci’s horse and his Arab prisoner, and later by the Arab and Daru, will lead the Arab’s comrades to Daru’s schoolhouse and convince them that Daru has delivered him to the French authorities. Thus both Daru and the prisoner’s comrades will be betrayed: Daru will be punished for a crime he did not commit, and the comrades will betray their cause by punishing an innocent man.



In “The Guest” van Camus dui weldeurdagte verwysings na skielike en aanhoudende sneeuval op die belangrikheid daarvan vir die verhaal se ironiese slot. Die spore wat Balducci se perd, sy Arabiese gevangene, en later die Arabier and Daru in die sneeu agterlaat, lei uiteindelik die Arabier se kamerade na Daru se skoolgebou en oortuig hulle dat Daru hom aan die Franse owerhede uitgelewer het. Beide Daru en die gevangene se kamerade word sodoende verraai: Daru word gestraf vir ’n misdaad wat hy nie gepleeg het nie en die kamerade verloën hul saak deur ’n onskuldige man te laat boet.


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Author Biography

Michael W. Shurgot, Community Foundation of South Puget Sound

Michael W. Shurgot retired in 2006 as Professor of Humanities from South Puget Sound Community College in Olympia, WA, where he received four Distinguished Faculty Awards. His publications include Stages of Play: Shakespeare’s Theatrical Energies in Elizabethan Performance (1998), and North American Players of Shakespeare: A Book of Interviews (2008), both from University of Delaware Press; and as co-editor with Yu Jin Ko, Shakespeare’s Sense of Character: On the Page and From the Stage (Ashgate, 2012). He has also published on medieval drama and Joyce, Steinbeck, and Gordimer, and reviews Shakespeare productions in Seattle and the Oregon Shakespeare Festival for Shakespeare Bulletin.




How to Cite

Shurgot, Michael W. 2016. “Tracks in the Snow: Irony and Betrayal in Camus’s ‘The Guest’”. Journal of Literary Studies 32 (4):76-88.


