Salim Washington



With To Every Birth Its Blood, Wally Mongane Serote has written one of the greatest jazz novels. Music is a character in the book that has voice and impacts the plot. It speaks not only to provide context or colour, but also participates in dialogue with the interior consciousness of the principal protagonist Tsietsi (Tsi) Molope. Tsi develops from a state of alienation and impotence to a purposeful actor. And the protagonist grows from a single person to a national community. The music develops from jazz to soul, from impotence to sexual agency, from alienation to political action. The importance of music is explicated more prosaically in a subsequent novel, Revelations, in which the youths of the Soweto uprising become the adult actors in "the new South Africa". Democracy has brought not only the stresses of addressing historical injustice and the responsibilities of governance, but highlights a series of philosophical issues and cultural practices which are attendant to many uncertainties about the social reality in South Africa – questions that music can help answer.



Met To Every Birth Its Blood het Wally Mongane Serote een van die grootste jazz-romans geskryf. Musiek is ’n karakter in die boek met ’n stem en ’n uitwerking op die intrige. Dit praat nie net om konteks en kleur te verskaf nie, maar is ook deel van ’n dialoog met die interne bewustheid van die hoofprotagonis Tsietsi (Tsi) Molope. Tsi ontwikkel van ’n toestand van vervreemding en magteloosheid na ’n doelgerigte rolspeler. En die protagonis groei van ’n enkele persoon na ’n nasionale gemeenskap. Die musiek ontwikkel van jazz na soul, van magteloosheid na seksuele mag, van vervreemding na politieke optrede. Die belangrikheid van musiek word meer prosaïes uitgebeeld in ’n daaropvolgende roman, Revelations, waarin die jeug van die Soweto-onluste  die volwasse rolspelers word in “die nuwe Suid-Afrika”. Demokrasie het nie net gelei tot druk om aan historiese ongeregtigheid aandag te gee en die verantwoordelikhede te aanvaar wat met regering gepaardgaan nie, maar beklemtoon ook ’n reeks filosofiese kwessies en kulturele praktyke wat dui op baie onsekerhede oor die sosiale realiteit in Suid-Afrika – vrae wat musiek kan help beantwoord.


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Author Biography

Salim Washington , University of KwaZulu-Natal

Salim Washington is a Professor of Music at the University of KwaZulu-Natal at the Howard College Campus in Durban.  He is also a member of the Jazz Study Group at Columbia University (New York), and a scholar of Jazz Studies, Musicology, Africana Studies. Additionally, he is a practising musician (saxophone, flute, oboe) a composer, and a recording artist.




How to Cite

Washington, Salim. 2015. “Salim Washington”. Journal of Literary Studies 31 (1):96-120.


