Trauma and Literature: Derrida, 9/11 and Hart’s The Reconstructionist



Is “trauma” a viable category in literary theory? That is, could “trauma” be articulated in such a way that, in addition to its acknowledged diagnostic and therapeutic function in psychology and psychoanalysis, it may be shown to have a distinct hermeneutic function where literary fiction is concerned – regarding the generation of the narrative thread, for example? This article investigates these questions in the light of the meaning of “trauma”, largely in relation to the event of September 11, as formulated by Jacques Derrida. The affinity of Derrida’s conceptualisation with that of Lacanian psychoanalysis is noted, and with that in mind, the narrative complications of Josephine Hart’s The Reconstructionist (2002) are examined with a view to demonstrating the theoretical, heuristic and hermeneutic value of “trauma” at an intratextual level.



Is “trauma” ’n lewensvatbare kategorie vir literêre teorie? Met ander woorde, kan aangetoon word dat “trauma” ’n duidelike hermeneutiese funksie het met betrekking tot literêre fiksie – byvoorbeeld sover dit narratiewe ontwikkeling aangaan – bo en behalwe die erkende diagnostiese en terapeutiese funksie wat dit in psigologie en psigoanalise het? Hierdie artikel ondersoek genoemde vrae in die lig van die betekenis van “trauma”, grootliks met betrekking tot die gebeurtenis van 11 September, soos deur Jacques Derrida geformuleer. Die ooreenkoms tussen Derrida se konseptualisering en die van Lacaniaanse psigoanalise word aangetoon, en die narratiewe komplikasies van Josephine Hart se The Reconstructionist (2002) word ondersoek ten einde die teoretiese, heuristiese en hermeneutiese waarde van “trauma” op ’n intratekstuele vlak te demonstreer.   


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Author Biography

Bert Olivier, Nelson Mandela University

Bert Olivier is Professor of Philosophy at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. He holds an MA and DPhil in philosophy, has held Postdoctoral Fellowships in Philosophy at Yale University in the USA on more than one occasion, and has held a Research Fellowship at The University of Wales, Cardiff. At NMMU he teaches various subdisciplines of philosophy, as well as film studies, media and architectural theory, and psychoanalytic theory. He has published widely in the philosophy of culture, of art and architecture, of cinema, music and literature, as well as in the philosophy of science, epistemology, psycho-analytic, social, media and discourse theory. In 2004 he was awarded the Stals Prize for Philosophy by the South African Academy for Arts and Sciences, in 2005 he received the award of Top Researcher at NMMU for the period 1999 to 2004, and in 2006 he received the award for Top Researcher in the Faculty of Arts at NMMU.





How to Cite

Olivier, Bert. 2008. “Trauma and Literature: Derrida, 9/11 and Hart’s The Reconstructionist”. Journal of Literary Studies 24 (1):32-58.


